Monday, October 10, 2022

2022 General Election Endorsements

The mission of the Illinois Federation Political Action Committee is to help those who want their vote to protect the unborn, the disabled, and the elderly. Those endangered innocent lives that are being threatened need men and women in government who respect all human life.  

Our intent is to elect men and women of all political parties who will speak for and vote for legislation to protect the first and most important right for all of us - our right to life.

When preparing our Endorsements, the IFRL-PAC considers voting records, survey responses, and input from other established pro-life/pro-family groups. A pro-life voting record of an incumbent is given more weight than a completed survey. A mixed voting record of a pro-life incumbent has an impact on our final decision.

Please call (217) 544-9700 if you have any questions for us.

To view or download a full list of endorsements for the 2022 general election, click here.


IL House

IL Senate

US House

US Senate

Other Offices

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

2022 Primary IFRL Endorsements


The mission of the Illinois Federation Political Action Committee is to help those who want their vote to protect the unborn, the disabled, and the elderly. Those endangered innocent lives that are being threatened need men and women in government who respect all human life.  

Our intent is to elect men and women of all political parties who will speak for and vote for legislation to protect the first and most important right for all of us - our right to life.

When preparing our Endorsements, the IFRL-PAC considers voting records, survey responses, and input from other established pro-life/pro-family groups. A pro-life voting record of an incumbent is given more weight than a completed survey. A mixed voting record of a pro-life incumbent has an impact on our final decision.

Please call (217) 544-9700 if you have any questions for us.